Friday, March 13, 2009

Late-night Garden party

** UPDATE: Syracuse's coverage **
Wow. It's Friday morning and I just found out UConn lost to Syracuse in six overtimes. SIX! I left the office at 12:30 a.m., with a few minutes left in the third OT and the Huskies up several points. I left the front page so a co-worker could just plug in a score for our second (and final) edition. Since I don't have AM radio in the car -- thanks to a falling branch disconnecting the antenna embedded in the rear window -- I went to sleep assuming UConn won. What a finish I missed! Anybody stay late to get in the score? How'd your paper (1A and Sports) handle the late, important game? Speak up, please.
Click here to find out about the Courant's Sports cover, from designer David Holub. Their page went out about 1:55 a.m.
David wrote:
"Like any deadline-threatening game, we had a photo that would work for either a UConn win or loss for first edition that we would sub out for later editions. We had a columnist writing at the game and had two column options for first edition: If they won, we would have the column for all eds. If they lost, we had a plug ready. We also had separate charts ready to go for a win or loss.
For the first OT, the pressroom was set to let the pages go late.
When it went to a second OT is where things got interesting. I had to scrap my original game design
and substitute a terrible, terrible, terrible standalone plug photo to take up the entire space of the UConn package. However, we had to have the original package ready to go at a moment's notice, win or lose, for when the game ended. Then we waited patiently during the third and fourth OTs.
Once the game hit four OTs was when it started to get that historic feel. The night sports editor, Scott Powers, made the call to scrap our now-modest package for a six-column head-and-photo package and I began feverishly re-designing, complete with a new win photo and lose photo.
I believe we flipped the page in about 15-20 minutes and had the all-new 6 OT game page at 1:50 a.m., 20-something minutes from the game's end. Much to the amazing teamwork of the Courant reporters and sports copy desk.
Now, anything less than six overtimes will just feel . . . meh."

Anyone else?


  1. Amazing job by the Courant. How many papers got that final edition?

  2. No sure if you mean how many people or how many newspapers got it, but David wrote that this page was their final edition and they tried to chase it back into earlier editions. Two others had "technically come and gone," he told me. Maybe he'll elaborate more.
